"lament" Tagged Sermons

"lament" Tagged Sermons

A Service of Confession, Lament, Thanksgiving & Praise | Psalms 80, 12, 111, 145

Login Info Our last Sunday worship service of 2020 is at 10:30am on Zoom. Please join us online at 10:15am for a time of fellowship before the service. ID: 890 5472 7430 P: JesusGrace Introduction Welcome (pastor) Welcome to our worship service. On the last Sunday of the year, we take the opportunity to have a more interactive and participatory service at Cornerstone Congregational Church. This year we are expanding it from a time of thanksgiving and praise to also…

How to Complain Well | Psalm 3 (scripture reading in Hebrew)

No one likes a complainer, but everyone likes to complain. Have you ever heard that? As human beings, we complain—we vent, we express, we share. But no one really wants a perpetual Eeyore in their lives. Eeyore is Winnie-the-Pooh’s donkey friend who has a never-ending rain-cloud hovering just above his head. He’s gloomy, depressed, pessimistic, and grey. He’s a complainer. Do you have a friend or family member who constantly complains? If you do, you probably don’t want to spend…