'abuse' Tagged Posts

'abuse' Tagged Posts

Hagar & Domestic Violence – Genesis 16 & 21

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The story of Hagar, Sarai, and Abram in Genesis 16 and 21 helps us address this difficult issue, find hope, and get help. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, please visit haggarssisters.org or autumnmiles.com. Thank you Patty Stocker with WCAT for producing this video. By Robert Dunkarton – https://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/obf_images/8d/8a/c2f4ed5467f3c2263555bb9eb8a9.jpg Gallery: https://wellcomeimages.org/indexplus/image/V0034437.html Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-29): https://wellcomecollection.org/works/gdfs8awj CC-BY-4.0, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36614799

Rachel Goclawski: You Turned My Wailing Into Dancing

I’m Rachel Goclawski, I live in Maynard with my husband, Ted and little girls, Lily and Krista. I’ve been an IT Specialist with the US Army for 15 years, and grew up on Long Island. I lost my father to cancer when I was young and my mother turned to the Roman Catholic Church for comfort, but it didn’t seem to help. Growing up I learned to rely on myself to be there for my mom in her anger and…