'membership' Tagged Posts

'membership' Tagged Posts

Church Search Directory

Do you need to find a church for yourself or a family member? Here’s a list of church-search directories we find helpful. Conservative Congregational Christian Conference Church Directory (CCCC) The Gospel Coalition Church Directory (TGC) 9Marks Ministries Church Directory God bless you in your search. In Christ, Cornerstone Staff

Book Recommendation: Church Membership by Jonathan Leeman

At Cornerstone, we believe in local church membership (e.g., see our Church Covenant). The Board of Elders is reading through and discussing Church Membership: How The World Knows Who Represents Jesus by Jonathan Leeman. This book, from the 9Marks Building Healthy Churches series, gives a clear explanation of what church membership is, where we see it in the Bible, and why it matters for us today. Please pick up and read a copy. Another helpful article is 6 Reasons Why…