A Conversation with Friends – Systemic Racism & Becoming a White Ally

A Conversation with Friends – Systemic Racism & Becoming a White Ally

In June I preached a sermon entitled “A Posture of Listening” (all links below) where I shared how the Lord was teaching me to try and listen and learn more about the issue of racism and racial justice. With this I sensed the Lord might be leading me to reach out to three of my Ockenga friends, Cyntoria, Monica, and Devon, to talk further about this topic. All three love the Lord and care deeply for the church.

My first goal for our conversation was to simply increase my personal learning. I do feel like the Lord really impressed some things on my heart through our time together. My second goal was to share our conversation with you, my church family and friends, to see if there’s anything the Lord might have for us as a church body. I think he does! Would you take the time to watch this 1 hour and 11 minute conversation between the four of us? 

As part of the conversation we talk about red-lining. I’ve linked to a map below where you can actually see red-lining in and around Boston. Also, in Pastor Tom Sparling’s sermon on The Gospel & Social Justice he recommends the book The Myth of Equality: Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilege by Ken Wytsma. If what I say about this book intrigues you, please check it out and let’s discuss.

Thank you for participating in our conversation. I’d love to talk further with you about what you are learning if you’re willing to share. 

With love, Pastor Jonathan