A Prayer of Repentance for the Frontline

A Prayer of Repentance for the Frontline

If you are a part of a more liturgical church tradition, you may know that we are in the season of Lent. One of Lent’s hallmarks is the call to repentance. In acknowledging the ways we fall short, we find an invitation to turn and return to the way of Jesus. It is an opportunity to not only confess but to recalibrate. So, today, we offer you this prayer, for reflection and repentance for the frontlines.

“Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against You,
in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved You with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.”

For the times we have forgotten You, our true and ultimate manager and have not done our work with the diligence You are worthy of,
And for the times our successes have lulled us into pride and self-sufficiency,
Forgive us, Lord.

For the times we have despised the place You have called us to,
And for the times we have grown apathetic to our place in our comfort,
Forgive us, Lord.

For the times we have not seen or treated our co-workers, neighbors, and families as people who are precious and beloved by You,
And for the times their praise and love have been of greater value to us than Your Kingdom,
Forgive us, Lord.

For the times we have harbored pride, greed, bitterness, jealousy, and anger,
For the times we have failed to bear Your Spirit’s fruit before a watching world,
Forgive us, Lord.

For the times we remained silent when we should have spoken a word of grace or truth,
And for the times we spoke in haste when we should have remained silent,
Forgive us, Lord.

For the times we have valued too highly the status quo and have failed to mold a culture where everyone can thrive,
And for the times we have urged change in ways that were unduly harsh and not harnessed by love,
Forgive us, Lord.

For the times our faith has led us to withdraw and insulate,
For the times we have failed to live as signposts and messengers of Your Kingdom, for the sake of the world,
Forgive us, Lord.

“We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
For the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ,
have mercy on us and forgive us;
that we may delight in Your will,
and walk in Your ways,
to the glory of Your Name. Amen.”

(Sections in quotation come from the Book of Common Prayer) Diana Gruver (MA, Gordon-Conwell) writes about discipleship and spiritual formation in the every day. She is the author of Companions in the Darkness: Seven Saints who Struggled with Depression and Doubt. You can find her online at www.dianagruver.com or on Facebook or Twitter. Diana originally published this work with the Vere Institute (Oct 2014 – May 2021), which was founded to empower Christians to integrate their faith into everyday life. The Vere Institute’s legacy lives on through our Vere Library.