"grace" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

"grace" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

Judgmentalism | Matthew 7:1-6

In Matthew 7:1-6, Jesus challenges us not to have a judgmental heart-attitude. He warns us not to judge others unfairly but instead to treat others with the grace we’d like God to show you and me. He also calls us to examine ourselves honestly before examining others. Like the disciples, we are all blind to our own sin, but Jesus can take away any blindspot. Jesus also advises us to share the truth thoughtfully. We speak truth graciously, honestly, and thoughtfully because that’s what Jesus…

That’s Not Normal | Matthew 5:38-48

We’re all mistreated, or tempted to mistreat others when they’ve mistreated us. Jesus, in Matthew 5:38-48 teaches us that when we respond the normal way, with vengeance, the problem continues. Christ gives us a solution that is better than non-violence. He taught us to turn the cheek, to give to those who hurt us, and to love our enemies. He calls us to do this because he did it on his way to the cross. Grace doesn’t stop just violence, it…

Grace Mountain | Matthew 5:1-20

In the Sermon on the Mount, starting with the beatitudes, Jesus teaches his disciples how grace should change the way they view life. In Matthew 5:1-20 grace gives us a new viewpoint four ways: 1) followers of Jesus are surprised by grace; 2) followers of Jesus are seasoned with grace; 3) followers of Jesus shine out grace; and 4) followers of Jesus are successful because of grace. Grace should change who we are, to the very core, because of just how much Jesus…
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