Sermons on Faith (Page 10)

Sermons on Faith (Page 10)

The Road to Emmaus: When You Can’t See Jesus | Luke 24:13-35

Have you ever had that experience when you can’t see something and it’s right in front of you? This week I needed to give Elijah his milk and I knew Monica had put some in the fridge but I couldn’t find it. When I opened the fridge it wasn’t there and when I moved some of the food and other items it wasn’t there either. So I called Monica and I asked her if she had put the milk in…

The Great Exchange | Luke 22:63-23:25

We live in a culture based on exchange and trade. We all do it from a young age till we’re elderly. You learn this system when you’re just starting out.  As an infant your parents reward good behavior with a smile or maybe a treat or your favorite toy. A few years in you learn that you can trade your toys for other kids toys. Like I’ll give you this cool-shaped rock if you’ll give me your Nintendo. Sometimes it…

The Easter Parade | Luke 19:28-44 (Palm Sunday Sermon)

You may remember our sermon series “The Certain Gospel” in Luke that we started last year. We’re going to go back to Luke and slow down for the closing chapters. We won’t be able to hit everything, but we will focus more time on his entry today, the night of his betrayal, his crucifixion, resurrection, and the closing chapters of Luke. Lord willing that will set us up for Acts in the fall. This will line us up more closely…

The Armor of God | Ephesians 6:10-24

Today we are at the end of our series in Ephesians. This has been an exciting study. This letter transformed the early church and hopefully it will transform our church, As well as our homes and our society. This was Paul’s prayer and it is my prayer. Paul’s prayer and my prayer is not that you will be inspired but that you will be transformed. Today’s section of scripture begins with Paul trying to prepare us for the battles that…

Immorality. Darkness. Thanksgiving. | Ephesians 5:1-20

My sister-in-law recently poked fun at me by posting this meme on my Facebook page. It pictures a rather stiff looking aristocrat at a sporting event clapping and saying, “I say, what a rather robust group of fellows. Which color are we rooting for?” She knows I don’t really do sports. I don’t watch football or basketball or baseball or golf except for when I’m with friends or family. But I still want to try and start today’s sermon with…

Four Prayer Requests | Ephesians 3:14-21

Let’s start by reviewing the big picture of the book of Ephesians. Chapters 1-3 How God is gracious to us Chapters 4-6 How we are to live-out grace The first three chapters, chapters 1-3, don’t include many imperatives, or commands. They don’t tell us how to live as much as they tell us what God has done for us. The next three chapters, chapters 4-6, tell us how to respond to grace and are full of imperatives and commands. Grace…

Are You Born Again? | John 3:1-8

This is the first of several sermons throughout the next two years in which I will reflect on what I learn at the GCTS Ockenga Fellows retreat. The Gordon-Conwell Ockenga Institute is named after the seminary’s first President, Dr. Harold John Ockenga, and exists to help the church bring about cultural renewal and transformation. Our first session was on the Great Awakening and Ministry in New England, so I look forward to sharing some of what I learned in this…

Raised to Life | Ephesians 2:1-10

Read or listen to Andy Bradshaw preach Ephesians 2:1-10 and our need for God’s grace. You can access a PDF of his sermon by clicking “Save” and “PDF.” Church Service You can watch the full service on Facebook or only the sermon on YouTube. Sermon Slides

Grace is a Gift | Ephesians 1:3-14

What’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever received? Maybe some of you are leaning into your spouse right now and saying, “My husband” or “My wife.” Aww… That’s so sweet. But chances are you had to work for your spouse. You had to date them, try and look attractive for them, treat them nicely. No I’m talking about an item or thing someone gave you that you really like—pure materialism.  On one of my favorite childhood birthdays I received…

Introducing Grace | Ephesians 1:1-2

Today maybe you’ve come to Cornerstone because it’s the beginning of the fall season or a friend invited you. I want you to know that I have the most encouraging message prepared for you. In fact, I want to start off with a word of encouragement I received at the last church conference attended. My encouragement to you is this… “You are good for nothing.”  You are good for nothing… You, are good, for nothing. Would everyone say this phrase…

The Certain Gospel: Bait & Switch Christianity | Luke 14:25-35

When I was in college I was walking to my car when I found a poster slipped under my wiper blades. It advertised free pizza. All I had to do was go by the local Dominos and I would receive my own pizza. I looked at this poster for a long time. It didn’t say I had to do anything to get that pizza. It simply said that I had to show up and I would get my pizza. But…