Sermons from 2020 (Page 5)

Sermons from 2020 (Page 5)

Church Together | Acts 2:42-47

Cornerstone is a church plant. Sometimes when you tell others you’re starting a new church it’s like, “Wow! That’s amazing! You can do whatever you want!” It’s almost like people think you’re playing a game of Sim Church, kind of like Sim City or The Sims. Except instead of building a city or a neighborhood I’m putting up some stained-glass windows here, a nice cross there; I’m starting VBS and Awana and now it’s time for the baptisms.  But here’s…

A Gospel Witness | Acts 2:14-41

We talk a lot about sharing our faith with others here at Cornerstone. But have you ever gotten into a situation where you had the chance to share the gospel and you froze because you felt like you didn’t know what to do? Can you think back to the last time a friend or family member brought up something about Christianity or the Bible and you thought, “What a great opportunity!” as it sailed right past you? Today, I want…

A History of Fire, Wind, and Smoke | Acts 2:1-13

What would you do if all of a sudden I yelled, “Fire!” Would you stop and look around to see what I was talking about? Would you just get up and run out of the building? Would you try to locate the fire-extinguishers? Or maybe you’d grab a pack of marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate for s’mores. What would you do if one Sunday you walked into this room and it was full of fire, wind, and smoke? Would you…

Before the Mission | Acts 1:12-26

When I graduated college I wanted to take an epic motorcycle ride with my dad before I moved out to Washington DC. In May my dad, a friend, and me rode motorcycles on a 230 mile loop starting in my hometown of Estes Park, Colorado. We rode up and over Trail Ridge Road, which is a beautiful ride that winds back and forth as it gets higher and higher and higher. It goes as high as 12,183 feet. Right now…

Outward Church | Acts 1:1-11

Today is January 5th, 2020, the first Sunday of a new decade. The last Sunday of this decade will be December 30th, 2029. This last Sunday we celebrated as a church everything God did in 2019. I hear it was really encouraging. So my question is: What do you want to celebrate on Sunday, December 30th, 2029?  Imagine if you can celebrate anything—people coming to faith, baptisms, us reading our Bibles and growing together in our love for Jesus, the…