Sermons from 2021 (Page 5)

Sermons from 2021 (Page 5)

Understanding Christian Persecution | Acts 16:16-40

Christianity is like a nail; the harder you hit it, the deeper it goes.[1] In 1966, Mao cast out Western missionaries and persecuted Christians. A Star in the East reports, “Ironically, the persecution of Protestants may have been the single most beneficial event for the success of the Christianity in China!” It transformed the Chinese Christian movement into a local movement led by the Chinese. It got rid of the liberal missionaries who didn’t believe in Christ. Those who endured…

Strangely Comforting | Acts 15:36-16:15

In today’s text, I want to tell you about three things. I want to tell you about something I find strangely comforting, something I find oh so convicting, and something I find incredibly hopeful.  In that way, it kind of reminds me of 495. I find the sound of I-495 strangely comforting. When I wake up in the morning, if I listen carefully, I can hear the white-noise buzz of 495. When I hear the cars whizzing by, the truck…

A Gracious Counterculture | Acts 15:22-35

I wrote this sermon last week on Thursday, the day after the clash at the capitol. You probably watched the news and saw the pictures of journalists and politicians taking cover. I think the image I was most startled by was of the barricaded door into the House Chamber with the five agents with their guns drawn. The glass was broken and in another picture you could see another’s man’s face on the other side of the doorway. These images…

Success Factors | 1 Peter 4:7-11

In December I really appreciated Jonathan’s and Andy’s messages on Success.  I wanted to build off of those and take a look at how at the individual level we can position ourselves so that Cornerstone can be successful.  How can you and I be the types of disciples that glorify God through Cornerstone?  I am glad you asked. Slide 2 Our passage today highlights important practices that are powerful, but not new.  Prayer, Love, Hospitality, and Exercising Your Spiritual Gifts. …

The Battle of the Believers | Acts 15:1-21 (Jerusalem Council)

We’re going back to Acts! We actually started our series in Acts, Outward Church, a year ago. I want to take a moment to look back, because it helps us look forward. When Jesus left his disciples and ascended into heaven he gave believers a special mission, which becomes a roadmap for Acts. Acts 1:8 (ESV) But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all…