Have you ever gone somewhere you didn’t want to go?
- How did you feel?
- How did you act?
What’s the background of our passage in Jeremiah 29:1-3?
- Who is Jeremiah?
- To whom is he writing?
The nation of Israel is receiving two conflicting messages.
- In Jeremiah 28:1-4, what’s the message?
- In Jeremiah 29:4-9, what’s the message?
How does God want the Israelites to respond to their situation?
- Why is it difficult?
- Why is it good?
The sermon’s big idea was “Plant the garden of God in the city of man.”
- How do gardens teach us to live in our town?
In verse 7, God says, “Seek the Shalom of the city.” Shalom means peace, but not just a lack of war kind of peace. This peace implies wellbeing, a state of safety, and completeness.
- How can we seek the Shalom of our city?
- How can we do this together?
- How can we do this individually?
- Where do you need to plant a garden?
We are to care for the physical and spiritual wellbeing of our city.
- How can we care for Westford physically?
- How can we care for Westford spiritually?
Pastor Jonathan challenged us to invite one of our “Top Ten Most Wanted” to church on Saturday December 19th for our next Big Day or for our Christmas Eve service.
- What is a Big Day?
- Why is this a good time to invite a friend?
- Would anyone like to share how they’re doing on this challenge?
*End by praying for the one person on your “Top Ten Most Wanted” list you want to invite to church on Saturday.