10 Reasons We Can Trust the New Testament Canon Today

10 Reasons We Can Trust the New Testament Canon Today

Michael Kruger, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte NC, and author of Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books, published an article responding to The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, explaining ten reasons we can trust the New Testament Canon we have today. Originally found and adapted via The Gospel Coalition, please review the ten reasons here:

  1. “The New Testament Books are the Earliest Christian Writings We Possess”
  2. “Apocryphal Writings Are All Written in the Second Century or Later”
  3. “The New Testament Books Are Unique Because They Are Apostolic Books”
  4. “Some NT Writers Quote Other NT Writers as Scripture”
  5. “The Four Gospels are Well Established by the End of the Second Century”
  6. “At the End of the Second Century, the Muratorian Fragment lists 22 of Our 27 NT Books”
  7. “Early Christians Often Used Non-Canonical Writings”
  8. “The NT Canon Was Not Decided at Nicea—Nor Any Other Church Council”
  9. “Christians Did Disagree about the Canonicity of Some NT Books”
  10. “Early Christians Believed that Canonical Books Were Self-Authenticating”