Resources (Page 54)

Resources (Page 54)

Frontline Stories Explained

In the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20, Jesus taught his disciples to “make disciples” as they were “going, baptizing, and teaching.” He called his followers to do this not in a foreign country, but in Galilee, their hometown. Today he calls us to our Galilees, to reach the lost next-door, our frontlines. Although this is hard, Jesus promises his mission will succeed. What is a frontline? “Your Frontline is the place where you spend the majority of your time outside…

7 Reasons Why Faithful Church Attendance Matters

Going to church every week, week after week matters. If we know Jesus, we should desire to be with his bride. For all those who believe, have a church home, but don’t attend consistently, I’m writing for you. If you’re one of those spotty non-attenders, I’m writing to you in love but also in truth. Come home! Regular church attendance is not just good for the ministry; it’s good for your soul, and for mine. So why is regular church…

Book Recommendation: The Voting Booth

This Saturday, September 10th, we’re starting a three-week series called No Fear November. A great companion book to this series is the kindle e-book, The Voting Booth: A new vision for Christian engagement in a post-Christian culture by Skye Jethani. It’s a quick but thoughtful read. Please enjoy. – Pastor Jonathan  

The Grace and Joy of Communion

Andy Bradshaw lead us through communion on August 6th, 2016. Please take time to review through his words to prepare your hearts for the Lord’s Supper. You can listen to Pastor Jonathan’s companion sermon here.

I Shared My Faith Story. Now What?

Congratulations! You recently shared your faith story at Cornerstone. Thank you! Your church is grateful to have heard your testimony. It’s encouraging to reflect on God’s faithfulness over our lives. At Cornerstone, we want to continue to help each other grow to maturity. Here are three simple steps you can take to keep following Jesus: Step 1. Take Time To Reflect You’ve just written, refined, and shared your faith story with the whole church. Our faith stories are often very…